Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fun Trip to New England Aquarium on New Year Eve

On the last day of 2010, we decided to do something fun and special so we planned a trip to New England Aquarium. I saw one of my favorite animals-penguins there. A lot of penguins! These black and white little things are too adorable! We spent at least 20 minutes watching them walking, swimming, playing, sleeping, etc.Then we saw millions of other pretty sea animals and plants that we have never seen before (or we just forgot having seen them when we were little). There were a lot of children around us and we felt just as excited and curious as them. Later in the afternoon we went to our friend Amgalan's place for New Year Eve dinner. Guess what we had? Japanese noodles and sushi! Those sushi are beautiful and I do wish I took a picture of them. Anyway, it was a good trip, a good meal and a good day. We ended up going to bed early on the last day of 2010 and missed the count-down and fireworks at midnight. The good thing is that I did not forget to write down my new year resolution before sleep.
Bye, 2010! Hello, 2011!

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