Friday, January 7, 2011

Cooking Diary - Frist Cooking Award Ever!

I have never cooked before I came to U.S.A. Well, I fried eggs and boiled instant noodles occasionally but I do not think that should count. In college, I got a apartment with a kitchen and still cooked occasionally. Then I thought cooking is just for fun but not for survival. My then boyfriend (now husband) was a better cook than me when we were dating. He got his 2-3 killer dishes and he cooked for me a lot (I wonder why this rarely happens after we got married).He taught me some basic cooking skills that I still use today so he is technically my first cooking teacher. After we got married, there was a period of time that I was so excited and ambitious that I tried to cook something new every day. But soon, I just stick to several easy ones and repeat them day after day. Long story short, recently MIT CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association)held a cooking contest and Jack encouraged me to participate. I was not taking it too seriously and thought there must be many much better cooks among the students. I presented my dish- pineapple chicken wings that night and surprisingly won the second place! Wow! I was thrilled. The award is a blue iPod shuffle. To me, it is the most beautiful iPod shuffle ever. I can not believe that I would win a cooking award in my life. I think my mom will have a good laugh when she hears it. She still does not know that I can cook other things besides fried eggs...

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