Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cooking Diary - Roast Chicken Kebabs and Shrimp Celery

Yesterday I went to Market Basket for grocery shopping and saw some bamboo sticks. Thinking that I can make kebab with those sticks, I bought a package for $1.49. At dinner I made some chicken kebabs. It it fairly simple. Cut children into small pieces, put them on a stick, put on salt, garlic powder, black pepper and I also used a little bit butter for the flavor. Preheat oven at 400F and bake for 15 minutes. Done! Delicious roast chicken kebabs, yum...
Anyway, I also attempted to make two layer lemon pie but failed. The reason is that I put in too much milk so the pudding is never solid enough. Sad : (
Good news- I stir-fry celery with shrimp for lunch today and it turned out really good. Do you know that dried lily bulb is eatable? Yes! I also put some of those in. What an interesting dish!

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